July 2019 Club Meeting

The Unexplained Hit

We all learn to plan a dive, dive our plan, and stay conservative. But sometimes even a conservative plan can result in a DCS hit. DAN data indicates that there may be about 1,000 cases of DCS per year among recreational divers in the USA and Canada. Even seasoned dive pros can get bent.

Join us as Marilou Maglione shares her personal account of an unexplained DCS hit and the chamber ride that followed.

Meet new dive buddies, reconnect with old ones, and talk all things related to diving! It’s sure to be a night full of food, drink and fun. Hope to see you there!


Club Meeting:

July 10, 2019 at 6:30 pm
Timberwood Grill
3311 Worth Crossing, Charlottesville, VA 22911



6:30  Social Time
7:00  General Business
7:30 Keynote Speaker

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